Unmanned Laser Scanning
Laser scanning utilizing high-end unmanned airborne platforms provides the possibility to acquire data in dangerous and/or hard-to-reach areas, while offering an excellent cost-to-benefit-ratio for numerous applications, e.g., precision farming, forestry, and mining.
For years, RIEGL Airborne Laser Scanners have been successfully used in powerful unmanned airborne platforms.
With a new line of ultimate survey-grade airborne scanners especially developed for UAV/UAS/RPAS-based applications RIEGL revolutionizes the commercial and civil market providing first-class technique for this new dynamic topic.
With the RiCOPTER, a remotely piloted X8 array foldable octocopter for Unmanned Laser Scanning (ULS), RIEGL was the first manufacturer to offer a fully integrated system ready for demanding UAV-based surveying mission. The RiCOPTER is exclusively distributed, supported, trained & serviced by RiCOPTER UAV GmbH, a RIEGL Company.