13th International Police Workshop on Photogrammetry / Laser Scanning
13th International Police Workshop on Photogrammetry / Laser Scanning will be held from 11th to 15th of July 2016 at LAFP NRW education centre in Neuss, Germany.
The conference will discuss the possibilities and limitations of three-dimensional crime/accident scene recording and visualisation. Presentations and lectures about interesting cases, innovations in hard software and quality management will be delivered. The interdisciplinary exchange between criminal and traffic police, scientists and technicians is a rare but enormously important opportunity to make a cross comparison with similar end applications and to identify intersections.
RIEGL will give the presentation „Latest Developments in RIEGL LiDAR Technology for an Efficient Investigation Workflow“ and inform about the latest RIEGL developments for crime scene & accident investigation as well as for emergency management planning. RIEGL will showcase the new VZ-400i 3D Laser Scanner on site its really fast, user-friendly, and efficient workflow.