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GEOSEA XIV Congress & 45th IAGI Annual Convention 2016

GEOSEA XIV Congress & 45th IAGI Annual Convention will be held from the 10th to the 13thof October 2016 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

lkatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI - Indonesian Association of Geologists) is organizing the GEOSEA XIV Congress and will be collaborated with the 45th IAGI Annual Convention 2016 (GIC 2016). This convention aims to bring an excellent opportunity to exchange scientific, technical information and to advance geoscience in multidisciplinary fields including oil, gas, mining industries as well as other related fields.

Visit our  partner GPS Lands (www.gpslands.com.my) at their booth where they will showcase the  RiCOPTER, the VUX-SYS Airborne Mapping System and the VMZ-2000 Mobile Mapping System to inform you on the latest developments in RIEGL LiDAR technology.

For more information on the event: http://geosea2016.iagi.or.id/