Industrial Scanning
Automation of Stacker/Reclaimers for Bulk Materials, iSAM AG, Germany 19.03.2010
Because of steady improvement in the performance capabilities of technological components, such as Pcs, laser scanners and orientation systems, processes and working sequences can be increasingly taken over economically and efficiently by automated controls. As a result, unmanned, fully automatic operation of stackers and reclaimers has also become economically viable. The so-called combined stackers and reclaimers for bulk materials are used where large mass flows of coal and ore have to be handled: For example, in importing and exporting ports, in coal depots in power generating stations, or material stockpiles in iron and steel works.
The patented iSAM S/R Automation System using RIEGL 3D laser scanners offers a solution for fully automatic operation of stackers/reclaimers like shown in the enclosed report. This application report is available in English and German.