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Airborne Scanning

M. Pfennigbauer, F. Steinbacher, A. Ullrich, M. Aufleger:
A Novel Approach to Laser-Based Hydrographic Data Acquisition" 30.11.2010

In order to continuously monitor, evaluate, and study reservoir sedimentation, river degradation, water flow and water level dynamics, structure and zone variations of rivers and riparian areas as requested by the European Water Framework Directive, the repetitive surveying of inshore waters is essential. This can be achieved in an effective way by employing hydrographic airborne laser scanning. Conventional airborne laser scanning systems dedicated for acquisition of hydrographical data rely on laser pulses with exceptionally high pulse energy and large beam diameter and divergence with the purpose to penetrate as far as possible beneath the water surface and to largely eliminate the influence of surface waves, respectively.

In a joint research project, the Unit of Hydraulic Engineering at the University of Innsbruck together with RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems investigate the potential of a novel approach towards the acquisition of reliable, high-resolution hydrographical data dedicated for surveying inland waters and shallow coastal zones. Measurement results obtained with a compact airborne laser scanning system employing a narrow laser beam at 532 nm, operating at a net measurement rate of up to 200 kHz are presented and the field of applications is assessed.

This paper was presented at the European LiDAR Mapping Forum takting place at The Hague, November 30 and December 1, 2011.